Problem identification, Problem solution, Solution presentation


The Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology combines academics from Penn Engineering and the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania. This coordinated dual degree program places innovation at the forefront of the curriculum. Integrating knowledge from these disciplines best prepares our students to solve the increasingly complex problems they will face as tomorrow’s leaders.


The integration lab provides multi–track experiential learning framework and delivers the capstone event for M&T seniors. The goal of the lab is to provide students with opportunities to attack significant problems at the intersection of business and technology and hone the skills required to be leaders in the technology-driven economies of the future.

Two individuals working on a robotic device, focused and engaged in an office or workshop setting.

Problem identification:

Engage students, faculty, alumni and (member) firms to identify “big problems” at the intersection of management and technology.

Two people working with a 3D printer in a tech or educational setting, focusing on the machine''s operation.

Problem solution:

Students work either on their own initiatives, or problems suggests by firms together with faculty (as part of their senior design projects) on prototyping and building solutions, as well as building the business case for these solutions.

Two people working with electronic equipment and wiring, representing technology or engineering collaboration.

Solution presentation:

One-day M&T Annual Summit where students, faculty, keynote speakers and firms present their work to Penn community.


M&T Summit Group Photo Integrate

Every year the senior capstone is structured around a specific topic of societal importance. Select student teams working on the topic are invited to present their senior design projects at an annual M&T Summit. The summit is a forum for faculty, students, alumni & thought leaders to present their work to the Penn community.  Students do not have to pick a project on the chosen theme but every M&T senior project requires a business analysis.

For more information, please contact Prof. Sangeeta Vohra


The Jerome Fisher Program in Management & Technology
The Larry Robbins House

3537 Locust Walk
Philadelphia, PA 19104
